Bordertown Guns

We were very sorry to see Bordertown Guns close. They have been great supporters of the Derby for many years and will honor their commitment for their two sponsored fish in this year's Derby. We wish them the best.
Their closing leaves us with no registration or weigh-in location on the East side of the county. NIAA board member Rick LaBuda has volunteered to be available for Derby registrations and for fish weigh-ins in front of the Bordertown building for the first 3 days of the Derby. Rick will be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (6/28, 29, 30) from 8 AM to 2 PM. Thanks Rick!
Please check the Big Board at before you take time out from fishing to weigh-in a fish. If your fish is smaller than the smallest fish on the Big Board, keep on fishing for a bigger one!
Please support our local bait shops, Elliott's bait and tackle in Kankakee, the Kankakee River Trading Post by the State Park, and Angelo's in Wilmington. They will be happy to register you for the Derby and to weigh-in your fish. Additional registration locations are Reed's Rent All and both Walmart stores.
Good luck in the Derby!

Published By: tyler